. . . sometimes life gets a little bit crazy . . .

Picture this:  an eight family getting ready for a wedding . . . one bathroom . . . six girls . . . running late . . .


The best way to go about it was to get each one ready – one at a time . . .


Stefan and I in the bathroom.  He had the washcloth.  I had the hair brush.


Ready.  Set.  Go.


In comes child number one:  13 year old boy with nothing to wear – “Why aren’t you dressed,” I say.  “We are leaving in ten minutes.  We are already late.”

He says to me, “Do I have to dress up?”

“Ugh . . .yeah!”  ( I hope you read that with a lot of sass, because that is how I said it to him.  “Ugh . . .yeah!”

Stefan rolled his eyes in disgust and said, “I’m gotta get out of here.  I will get the little kids ready.  We can’t be late!”


Out goes Stefan.

Out goes child #1, in comes child #2.


“Ummmm.  I am afraid that dress might be a bit too small.”  I say to child number two.

“I don’t have anything else.”  She says to me.

(screaming) “Stefan, when was the last time we did laundry.  These kids can’t find anything to wear!”

(from the other room)  “Don’t ask me!  Doesn’t your mom come today?”

“Here.  Let me brush your hair, and you look in your closet one more time.  We have GOT TO GO!

Brush hair.


Child #2  . . . out.  Child #3  . . . in.

Brush hair.

(Stefan yells from other room)  “COME ON!  We HAVE to go!  I don’t want to have to stand in the back with ALL these kids!  I don’t want to be late.  Why are we always late?”

In comes Child #1.

“How’s this?”  He asks.

“It needs ironed.”  I say.  “We don’t have time iron.  We have to go.  It has to be ironed.  Go get the iron.”

In comes Child #2.

“How about this?”  She asks.

(now there are four of us in the bathroom, and I SCREAM)  “Stefan!  We need another bathroom.”

“Not right now,” he says, “we have to go.”

Out Child 1.

“That’s fine.”  I say to child #2.  “Your great!  Out to the car.  You’re done.  Sit in the car and wait.


Out Child #2 . . .to the car. . . finished.

Done with hair.

Out Child #3  . . . to the car . . .finished.


In comes Child #1.

(why is it that he is the oldest, and seemingly needing the most attention?!)

“Put a towel on the toilet.  Plug in the iron.  Go get your shoes on.”

Out goes Child #1


In comes Stefan and two little children.

“How do we look?” they ask.


I brush my hair.  Stefan washes their faces.  I start ironing . . .on the toilet.


Out goes Child #4.  Out goes Child #5.  to the car . . .finished.

“Are you wearing that?  I ask Stefan.  “It is probably my least favorite shirt.  I guess it’s fine.  We don’t have time.  We are going to be late.”


In comes Child #1.

“Here’s your shirt.  Out to the car.”

Out goes Child #1. . .to the car. . . finished.




(Stefan, from the other room.)  “Is Sarah Beth fine in what she is wearing?”

“Where is Sarah Beth?”  I yell back.

“In the kids’ room.”  He says.


It will be a matter of her own will . . .if she is going to survive this family.

“She is fine.”  I say.

“It’s too late now.”



Child #6 . . .to the car . . .finished.


Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Klamm.


~Photo courtesy of my daughter.

Child #3 took her camera.


Somehow . . .I forgot mine.

Oh, happy day.





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